About us

Our History

Winemakers from 4 generation

The Gallo’s Family is dedicated to wine-growing in “Casa Malfatto” since 1900, when the founder Bartolomeo came in Montabone, leaving his birthplace, Bandita di Cassinelle, and the job of Tailor, completely devoted to growing grapes.

The Company was inherited by Carlo Alfredo Gallo, that with his wife Adelia and the two sons Bartolomeo and Giovanni heavily invest in their activity, growing up the cellar and acquiring new land, always following new technologies in agricolture, respect of the environment, and work safety.

Now, the Company is in the hands of Carlo e Guido Gallo, young brothers that in the 2016 has picked up the baton from their father Giovanni, continuing his work with the same passion.

Le Vigne Gallo Vini Montabone

The estate and the vineyards

The family owns about 15 hectares of vineyards, all in Montabone, a small village which lies on the hills of Monferrato, in the south of the province of Asti, at the beginning of the Asti Langa, where the landscape is part of the Buffer-Zone of the Italian 50th UNESCO World heritage site (Paesaggi Vitivinicoli di Langhe-Roero e Monferrato).

Vineyards are all implanted in circumvatingterraces and bred with Guyot system, at an altitude between 320 and 350 m above sea level, in a soil mainly composed by marl and sandstone.

There are various types of vine planted: Barbera, Dolcetto, Moscato, Brachetto, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cortese. The particular climatic conditions and the sea wind influence are ideal conditions for obtain every year quality wines, fresh, fragrant and elegant.

The Harvest is done handmade, with the help of expert local workers, in small boxes or with the classic “Brentone” and tractor. The grapes must make only a short way to get into the cellar and be processed, without undergoing further stress, to get the best out of the raw material.

Respect of the Environment

The Gallo family has always been sensitive to environmental issues: our hills are our wealth, and we must preserve them better for those who come after us. Following this philosophy over the years we have done everything possible to remain competitive highly respecting the environment, limiting the operations on the soil to prevent erosion and landslides, and adhering since the dawn to the integrated pest management protocols, which consist of an intelligent and careful use of chemicals, water and soil, to protect both consumers and workers of the company.

Moreover, we are equipped with a photovoltaic systems that provide clean electricity for our business, and we recover from the vineyard’s rows pruning residues, picking, packing and desiccating them, which we will use in the winter to heat our house.

Particular attention in the last years has been given to the saving of water, essential good; our constructed wetlands, completed in 2017, allows us to recover, purify and reuse in agriculture almost all the waste water coming from the winery, otherwise useless for anything else.

Le Vigne Gallo Vini Montabone

La Cantina e i Vini

L’Azienda Agricola possiede circa 15 ettari di vigneti, tutti siti nel comune di Montabone.

Montabone è un piccolo paese posto sulle colline del Monferrato, nel sud della provincia di Asti, all’inizio della Langa Astigiana, il cui paesaggio fa parte della Buffer-Zone del 50° sito italiano patrimonio dell’umanità UNESCO (Paesaggi Vitivinicoli di Langhe-Roero e Monferrato).

Essi sono tutti impiantati a girapoggio e allevati col sistema guyot, ad un altitudine compresa tra i 320 e i 350 m s.l.m., in terreni composti prevalentemente da marne ed arenarie.

Varie sono le tipologie di vitigno presenti: Barbera, Dolcetto, Moscato, Brachetto, Chardonnay, Pinot Nero, Cortese. Le particolari condizioni pedoclimatiche e l’influenza del vento di mare sono condizioni ideali per ottenere ogni anno vini di qualità, freschi, profumati ed eleganti.

La Vendemmia viene effettuata manualmente, con l’aiuto di esperta manodopera locale, in piccole cassette o con il classico “Brentone”. Le uve devono fare solo un breve tragitto per arrivare in cantina ed essere lavorate, senza quindi subire ulteriori stress, per ottenere il massimo dalla materia prima.